Top 10 Companies in Nepal (2023)

If you’re considering investing in the Nepalese Share Market and seeking information on the top 10 companies in Nepal. We have compiled a list of diverse companies from various sectors, each with a market capitalization exceeding 50 Billion Nepalese Rupees.

Nabil Bank, Nepal Doorsanchar, CIT, NRIC, NICA, etc are the top 10 companies to look at in the stock market if you are willing to enter the secondary market in Nepal.

These companies present potentially promising investment opportunities in the Nepalese market.

Top 10 Companies in Nepal (Based on Market Capitalization)

Top 10 Companies in Nepal

All the companies listed have their Market Capitalization denoted in Nepalese Rupees and subsequently converted into billions.

A key shared characteristic among these companies is that each of their Market Caps exceeds 50 Billion Nepalese Rupees.

S.N.SymbolCompany NameMarket Capitalization (Rs) in Billion
1NABILNabil Bank Limited168.73
2NTCNepal Doorsanchar Company Limited164.25
3CITCitizen Investment Trust113.5
4NRICNepal Reinsurance Company Limited101.36
5NICANIC Asia Bank Limited91.88
6GBIMEGlobal IME Bank Limited79.52
7NIMBNepal Investment Mega Bank Limited67.78
8EBLEverest Bank Limited63.76
9NLICNepal Life Insurance Company Limited61.4
10HDLHimalayan Distillery Limited55.18

These are just a few of the top 10 companies in Nepal. These companies play a vital role in the country’s economy and are helping to drive Nepal’s economic growth.

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The top 10 companies in Nepal are a diverse group of companies, but they all play an important role in the country’s economy.

These companies are helping to drive Nepal’s economic growth and are providing employment to thousands of people. I hope you found this blog informative.

Note: The list may vary, this list is as of 2023 July, please see the NEPSE website to get the latest data.

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